Zone tariffs will let you create different tariffs depending on the area the job took place.
To work with zone tariffs, you can set a price for each zone. If you have created different schedules in the previous section, you also will be able to create a tariff for each of the schedules you have created. As for example in the following, the schedules created in the previous section were General, Christmas Holiday and Vacation.
If you set a tariff of 150 in Center Linköping for example, any job that happens within this zone will get this tariff.
However, if you have jobs that go from one zone to another. For example, if a passenger books a ride from Center Linköping to West Linköping, the price of the ride will be the highest of those two zones, in this case, 180 under the General Schedule.
A common usage of Zone Tariffs is to set up a zone in the center of a city with the lowest price, then assigning higher prices to the zones, depending on how far from the center they are.
Creating Zone Tariffs
To create a zone tariff:
- Click on the Create button
- Give it a name and select the zone that is involved.
- Click on OK
- Write the price on the field or fields depending on the number of schedules.
- Click on the Save button at the bottom of the screen.