If you wish to have a back up of your zones, to copy your assignment zones to your tariff zones, or to transfer your zones to a different GigaDispatch account, you can import and export zones as GeoJSON files.
- Go to Settings > Zones in the Admin panel.
- Find the “IMPORT AND EXPORT ZONES” button at the top right of the page.
- Click on “EXPORT”
- Your file should begin downloading to the default local download folder.
- Go to Settings > Zones in the Admin panel.
- Find the “IMPORT AND EXPORT ZONES” button at the top right of the page.
- Click on “IMPORT”
- Select the GeoJSON file from your computer in the dialog that appears.
- Exporting from external locations is possible as long as ID, code and name properties are specified.
- The expected projection is the standard EPSG:4326 / WGS 84. Only polygons without holes are supported, all other features will be ignored.