You can quickly copy and reuse previously created jobs in order to speed up the work as a dispatcher.
Return rides
If you have created a ride for a passenger, and then wish to create a ride in the opposite direction, you can use the “Prev. Return” function to accomplish this. For example if you have just created a job from Central Park to the Empire State Building, you can then:
- Create a “New Job” on the left side of the screen.
- Click on the “Prev. Return” button.
The addresses will now be copied into the new job, with the exception that it will go from the Empire State Building to Central Park instead.
Copy an active job
If you wish to create an identical job to one that is currently in the Unassigned/Assigned/Active list, you are able to click on the job, which will open the “Edit job” panel on the left side of the screen. After this, you can click on the “Copy” button which will copy all the job details into the “New Job” panel, so you can then book it without having to type the same settings manually.
Copy a closed job
Similarly, you can open the Closed jobs panel and click on the “copy” icon on the leftmost column to copy the job details into the “New Job” panel.
You can even Search Jobs to look for an old job and then click on the Copy button on the bottom of the panel for the same effect. The job will now be copied as a new job that can be edited or simply dispatched.